What, and Why Biodynamic Preparation BD504

What, and Why Biodynamic Preparation BD504

Over the past few months I have been introducing you to the various preparations used in biodynamic farming. This article looks at BD504 or Stinging Nettle preparation, the next of the compost preparations. What is BD504? BD504, also known as Stinging Nettle...
What, and Why Biodynamic Preparation BD503?

What, and Why Biodynamic Preparation BD503?

Following on from my last article on BD502, Yarrow preparation, I am looking at BD503, also known as Camomile preparation, the next compost preparations. What is BD503? BD503, known as Camomile Preparation is a concentrated compound made from German Camomile or...
What, and Why Biodynamic Preparation BD502?

What, and Why Biodynamic Preparation BD502?

My two previous articles on Biodynamic preparations covered BD500 Horn Manure and BD501 Horn Silica; both of these preparations and BD 508 are applied directly to the vineyard. The next few preparations we are going to look at are known as the compost preparations and...