by Johnathan Grieve | Friday, 20 Apr 2012 | BioLOGIC®, Blog, Uncategorised
Biodiversity, the variety of life in an ecosystem, is a tangible measure of the health and balance of a particular habitat. At Avondale, we have been compiling a bird list over the years to chart the re-emergence of species on the farm as we have worked to restore...
by Johnathan Grieve | Monday, 23 May 2011 | BioLOGIC®, Blog, Uncategorised
At Avondale, we strive for biodiversity throughout the farm, not just along the uncultivated fringes but also in the vineyards. There is no better measure of the robustness of any ecosystem than its biodiversity. Multitudes of life forms reduce vulnerability,...
by bw-admin | Wednesday, 6 Apr 2011 | BioLOGIC®, Blog, Uncategorised
The measure of the robustness of any ecosystem can be found in its biodiversity. Multitudes of life forms reduce vulnerability, protect the ecosystem from shocks and enable it to restore and regenerate more quickly. Avondale was one of the first South African wine...