Nutrient density simply means the level of nutrients in our food sources. At Avondale we take a particular interest in the nutrient density of the plants and soils as they are the fundamental building blocks of the food we serve and the wines we make.
Nutrient density occurs naturally in organic and bio-dynamic farming. At Avondale we have high levels of nutrient rich soil due to our organic and bio-dynamic farming practices. Nutrient density effects all stages of wine production, soil, plants, and grapes. Furthermore, the plants are more resilient and resistant to diseases and pests.
The wines have significant character through their elegance, concentrated flavor, purity and natural longevity.
The most common way of measuring the nutrient density of solids is by dissolving the solids and measuring the Brix reading within the solution. This is the mineral/sugar ratio of the plant cell protoplasm and a good indication of the density.
As humans, whose bodies rely heavily on nutrients, we require nutrient dense foods in order to operate optimally.
At our restaurant FABER the vegetables and fruits used in the dishes are from our orchards and vegetable garden. These foods are organic, and a such have high nutrient density. The flavours have greater depth, and the shelf life of the produce is notably longer.
Based on the above, nutrient density is a critical building block in our production of food and wine. Both contribute to the enhanced health and wellness of our many visitors who choose to wine and dine with us.